About Us

Incorporated in 2014, My Giraffe Organization is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization, California Entity Number C3714670.

@ My Giraffe, everything we do and think is inspired by the magic of volunteering. Volunteering is a great way to broaden vision, empower values and enrich our life. The Giraffe is selected as our symbol for it represents the ability to see things in life from a higher perspective.

成立於 2014 年, "齊徠福" 是經由美國聯邦政府認可, 註冊於加利福尼亞州的非營利公益機構. 我們以站高望遠的長頸鹿作為精神象徵. 當眼界提升了, 思維才會有新的速度, 廣度, 高度和深度.

Our first phase is to position our volunteers to engage in free educational projects tailored to the needs of children of less privileged status backgrounds both domestically and internationally.

教育資源是每個孩童心智成長乃至未來競爭力的關鍵所在. "齊徠福"的第一階段目標就是成為國內外偏鄉孩童在教育學習上的一份助力. 我們將借重現代科技的便利性, 提供孩童們一個與英語近距離實境學習的機會.